metadeconfoundR 1.0.3
- implementation of new funtion GetPartialEfSizes()
- adds partial R-squared as additional effect size metric
- new output column "partial": additional variance of a feature explained by
adding a metavariable to a linear (mixed effects) model containing all
other metavariables associated to the feature
- new output column "partialRel": proportion of explainable variance of a feature tracable to a metavariable
(e.g. partialRel = 0.5 --> metavariable x can explain 50% of all explainable variance of fature y -- all other metavariables significantly associated to feature y can explain the remaining 50% of overall explainable variance of fature y)
- new output column "PartialNorm": proportion of explained variance of a metavariable set in relation to maximally explainable variance (i.e. variance not explainable by all other metavariables)
- bug fix of bug disabling computation of confidence intervalls of lrts
- implementaion of truly linear computation mode when nnodes = 1
- additional test to filter out non trustworthy lrts in some scenarios with highly colinear metavariables
- BuildHeatmap()
- added "plotPartial" argument to choose between
- "marginal": plotting naive/marginal effect sizes based on CLiff's Delta/Spearman's Rho
- "partial": plotting signed partial R-squared, including an additional column showing the total explainable variance per feature
- "partialRel": plotting proportion of explainable variance of a feature tracable to a metavariable
- "partialNorm": plotting respective normalized partial effect size
metadeconfoundR 1.0.2 (2024-06-25)
metadeconfoundR 1.0.1
- fixes for CRAN resubmission
metadeconfoundR 1.0.0
metadeconfoundR 0.3.1
- reduced side effects after interrupted metadeconfoundR runs (tmp file removal)
- bugfix: Qcutoff now correctly used to collect potential confounders from naive associations
- improved initial input data quality control (order, problematic row-/colnames, class)
- minor bugfixes in Buildheatmap()
- added LogLevel argument to change verbositiy of logging
metadeconfoundR 0.3.0
- randomVar argument is now simplified: just supply character vector of metaMat variables to be treated as random effects (e.g. randomVar = c("var1", "var5"))
- NEW fixedVar argument implemented: same usage as randomVar, but adds fixed effect terms to all models
- implemented computational speed-up for datasets with large number of metavariables
- metadeconfoundR is now compatible with Unix AND Windows operation systems
- fixed a bug that lead to an error when a feature with extremely low number non-NA values was present in featureMat
- improved error messaging for an error in BuildHeatmap function
- addition of NEW "rawCount" mode, that runs modelling steps on not normalized/rarefied data by including totalReadCount per sample information into glm/glmer comparisons
- for naive significance test and effect size calculation, rawCounts will be normalized by dividing by totalReadCount per sample
- updated implementation of logistic regression mode: test for association of binary features to metavariables by setting "logistic = TRUE"
- experimental NEW feature: return all computed models alongside normal Metadeconfound() output by setting collectMods = TRUE. WARNING: For now, this only works without utilizing parallel processing in the model building step. Larger datasets might take a lot of time processing.
- NEW BuildHeatmap() argument "tileBordCol" sets tile border color (Default "black")
- NEW BuildHeatmap() argument "reOrder" to turn on/of sorting of features and metavariables in the reulsting plot
metadeconfoundR 0.2.8
- changes in status label names and corresponding plotting behavior
- reversed default color scheme for effect size plotting (red = low, blue= high)
- computation of confidence intervals in model building step now default
(with added OK_d label for deconfounded but doubtful associations)
metadeconfoundR 0.2.7
- improved error messages and behavior for no/low number of significant associations
- can now plot results with only a single feature/and or metadata
metadeconfoundR 0.2.6
- fixed bug in legend creation of BuildHeatmap(cuneiform = TRUE), direction of association now labeled correctly
metadeconfoundR 0.2.5
- fixed bug in "keepFeature" functionality of BuildHeatmap()
- fixed bug in BuildHeatmap() that resulted in incomplete removal of features showing not a single significant association
- implemented speedup for runs of Metadeconfound(startStop = "naiveStop") with large number of metadata
metadeconfoundR 0.2.4
- Buildheatmap(cuneiform = TRUE) can now handle NA or zero effect sizes (added NEW symbol)
metadeconfoundR 0.2.3
- fixed bug that only occurred when metadata only has one column
- implemented speedup when startStop = "naiveStop"
metadeconfoundR 0.2.2
- added functionality to BuildHeatmap()
- range of shown effectsizes in using d_range parameter (set to "full" for consistent legend between plots)
- range of colors used to show effect sizes can be changed using d_col
- matavariables and features, that should be kept in the plot even without passing q_cutoff and d_cutoff cutoffs, can be supplied using keepMeta and keepFeature parameters
metadeconfoundR 0.2.1
- added functionality to Metadeconfound()
- output can now also be generated in long format
- added functionality to BuildHeatmap()
- input can now also be read in long format
- "human readable"" names for features and metadata can be supplied in addition to the Metadeconfound() output and will be plotted instead of "machine readable" names
- slightly improved help pages
metadeconfoundR 0.2.0
- NEW function ImportLongPrior() to easily import prior knowledge of feature
metadata associations present in the current dataset.
- slightly improved help pages
metadeconfoundR 0.1.9
- bugfix concerning random effect variable behavior
- minor aesthetic improvements in BuildHeatmap() output
metadeconfoundR 0.1.8
- introduction of global parameter "logistic"
- logistic = TRUE: analyzing binary features instead of continuous using logistic regression models
metadeconfoundR 0.1.7
- bug fix in BuildHeatmap function
metadeconfoundR 0.1.2
- critical bug fixed, that resulted in greatly increased "NS" status labeling